Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How Will You Feed Your Family If A Food Crisis Hits?

What would come if a natural, civil or economic disaster prevented us from growing, shipping and importing food?
Food prices would grow and supermarket shelves would go unfilled.

In less than three days there'd be no food left in several people's houses.

Chaos and anarchy would certainly break out. thousands of (if not millions) would probably starve.

Are you prepared for this type of situation? Do you realize how in close proximity our technology-driven agricultural industrial sectors is to experiencing this kind of disaster?

In reality, this is because our food system is so complex, integrated and advanced that it is so insecure.

The thought that the world's leading nations such as the United States and Europe could suffer even a short-term food shortage seems impossible to most people. Obviously, that's what the government would like.

Why our Authorities Remain Muted?
If the population at large put down their TV remotes and noticed how fragile our food supply systems really is – you would see mass panic.

Panic simply because so few have a clue how to survive this type of crisis.

How the Average JoeCan Prepare...
That's why Survival Joe has written the e-book called "Food Bubble". This 30-page ebook Survival Joe expose the weaknesses of our food infrastructure. Once you read, you’ll realize it's not a matter of IF the food system collapses. It's more an issue of WHEN and how bad will it be.

It also outlines the basics to stocking emergency rations. Stuff the average Joe should be aware of to keep his family alive during a food shortage. Not to mention, It shows how even an city boy  like me can live off the land — finding food without Wal-Marts, Starbucks or FEMA camps.

All you really need to do to be able to get a copy of Food Bubble is sign up to . To subscribe just enter your email address in the form below and hit submit. My website will immediately send you an email with instructions on how to download your copy of Food Bubble. You can read it on your computer screen or print it out....God Bless....

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